Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014 - Treatment #3 (Do-Over)

Mike is my trusted co-pilot while Sandy keeps the home fires burning. I love my sibs!

Labs...looking good girl! Platelets 130, up from 80, treatment is happening!

Dr. McC....things look good, lets do this...and then we will set you up for three more cycles. I/we knew that was coming. I am feeling better though. Better breathing, way less coughing, minimal wheezing...treatment is working...I can feel it baby!

I told Charlotte (my Physicians Assistant) that I hadn't heard back from the scheduling staff in regard to my head scan..she said that she would discuss it with D. McC. before she came into see me. Dr. McC. informed me that my insurance company had denied authorization for a scan. Then she told me not to be concerned, she would be contacting them today and they would authorize the scan. I love it when Dr. McC. puts her big girl doctor panties on. Not that they aren't always on...I like that about her.

Upstairs (Infusion Suite) I received a reduced amount of steroids as promised...10mgs instead of 20mgs and had none of the crazy side effects I have had during my last two treatments. I swear they slipped some crack in there for treatments one and two.

Tonight I watched Dancing with the Stars...smiling, tearing up, mild headache, rapid heart beat, hungry (I've eaten already...dinner and a snack), can you say steroids?

Monday, April 14, 2014 - No Treatment Today

Sharon is my co-pilot today while Sandy keeps watch at home.

Today I had a full morning scheduled...labs, a visit with Dr. McC., and treatment number three...or so I thought. Seems my platelets were thinking they needed another week off so...no treatment for this girl today. In order for treatment to take place my platelets need to score 100 or above. Mine scored a whopping 80. For the audio version of the previous sentence please imagine Charlie Brown...wah-wah. Also, my low magnesium, which I have been taking supplements for went from .7 to .8. Again...wah-wah. Cindy gets to come back on Wednesday and have a magnesium infusion...oh boy.

I spoke with Dr. McC. about all of the headaches I have been having (previously discussed with the P.A.)...which is highly unusual for me given that I am not a headache person. She is scheduling a scan of my head within the next two weeks just to rule out any uglies. I also spoke with Dr. McC. about my reaction to the steroids...she said she wasn't really concerned about the slurred speech....hmmm, perhaps that's because she isn't the one who feels like she has chugged a six pack of Mike's Hard Limeade and is drooling.  

All in all things are going well. There was a time in my life when if Dr.McC. said "no treatment for you this week" I would have been unhappy, somewhat concerned, and unsure as to what negative impact this would have on me. Now I'm like...really, coolio...another week off, another week to feel even better. Funny how we grow and adapt...even when facing a chronic illness. And speaking of funny...Dr. McC.'s parting words to me were...come back next week and bring your platelets...giggling.

Monday - March 24, 2014 - Treatment #2

Mike drives the bus (OK, so its really a Jeep) and escorts me to treatment.

Blood draw was the usual routine. A large needle goes in, blood comes out, tubing is capped off and ready for the juice bar upstairs. 

Today I see Annie, one of the Physicians Assistants because Dr. McC. is out of the office. Everything is pretty much the norm. I talk to her about my recurring headaches...this is unusual as I am not a headache person. She suggests that we check my magnesium. I also talk with her about the reaction I had to the Benadryl during treatment. Right now I am hating that crap and dreading receiving it again. 

Upstairs I draw Dinah, my oncology goddess of the day. A remarkable woman who assisted in establishing Compass Oncology. The feeling of great knowledge, reassurance and comfort is always in the air when Dinah is around. I chat with her about my reaction to Benadryl during my first treatment...seems it wasn't the Benadryl, it was the steroids. Ah steroids...I know they serve their purpose, but come with so many lovely side effects. Super hero powers, super hero appetite, insomnia (my iPad is my best friend during these times), etc., etc. 

Treatment begins...IV fluids, Benadryl, and steroids.....wait for it, wait or it...bingo! Once again I feel high, and as if my tongue is getting thick (which it isn't), and that I am slurring my speech. I ask Mike...am I slurring my speech? He says no, but I don't believe him....grinning....after all he is the one that saran wrapped the toilet seat when we were younger. I'm sure you get the picture. As I struggle to keep my eyes open Dinah shows up with one of the volunteer Reiki technicians and asks if I would like a treatment. Yes please! That's pretty much all it took. I was awake when it started, struggled desperately to stay awake, and eventually gave in. When I woke up the session was over and the technician was gone. 
A few days later I get a phone call from the triage nurse, telling me that my magnesium is on the low end if normal...and that they are calling me in a prescription for a supplement that they want me to take three times a day. Okee-dokee.