Friday, October 28, 2011

October 27, 2011 - The Final Frontier (Treatment)

Today's chemo-sabe and transportation provided by big sis (major smooches).

Well...I made it. Or should I say...I survived it. Tears are welling up in my eyes as I write this. 16 weeks of treatment and two surgeries later...bajeezus, what a haul. I want to tell each of you thank you. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, comments, cards, flowers, gifts, letters, emails, phone calls, text messages, cleaning my house, doing my shopping, taking out my garbage and recycling, running my errands, taking me to treatment, cooking meals, overnight escapes, but mostly, thank you for your words. Words of acknowledgement (of what I am going through) and encouragement. You my family and friends played a large part in keeping me strong.

Today's final treatment was uneventful yet interesting and oh so sweet. Labs, vitals and then off to the Infusion Suite. Today's oncology nurse was "C" whom I adore. She was a great pull for my final treatment. "C" came to the door of my room and asked "how are you feeling?" My reply...crappy. She energy, tired all the time, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizzy? My reply...d). all of it and then some. Sweetie she said...your blood cell count is 21, we transfuse at need a blood transfusion...your counts have been low for three do you feel about that? Within a few minutes she had spoken with Dr.McC. and it was scheduled. She assures me that I am going to feel so much better. The increase in energy that I will feel will last about a for me. "C" also scheduled me for labs next week to check and see if my count is up to normal. If not, I need to talk with Dr. McC. about another transfusion to help keep me on the road to good health. Directly following treatment Sandy and I were off to the hospital for a type and match test. My transfusion is scheduled for tomorrow and I can hardly wait to see how I feel. On to treatment..."C" had her work cut out for her today since my veins have been less than cooperative for the past several weeks. Needle goes in, vein blood return...damn. My body has worked so hard for me these past sixteen weeks. Two surgeries and a controlled poisoning...well, it's true about the controlled poisoning. It amazes me what my body has done and what it will continue to do as I recover from treatment. After two failed attempts to place an IV "C" invited "C" to join the party. After a few minutes she was able to gain access to one of my elusive veins. Let my final treatment begin...and end!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 23, 2011 - Chemo Sucks

CHEMO SUCKS...The side effects suck even more. Today has been a day from side effect hell. The up side...friends and family call and visit providing their undying support. What a journey we are all traveling on together. Destination not to be revisited.

October 20, 2011 - Treatment #15

Today's chemo-sabe and transportation provided by Mike (aka Bro)

I've just gotten up and I'm already exhausted. This last week kicked my butt. No energy, no reserve, no nothing...and I mean nothing. This is what you get when you are 15 weeks into a 16 week treatment cycle. The good news is that I have one, count'em one treatment left. Holy crap...what a happy girl I am.

Mike and I arrive at NCS...labs, vitals, and upstairs to the Infusion Suite. Today's Oncology Nurse is "J" who gave me my very first treatment. After warming me packs and a heating pad to my forearm since my veins are being elusive (isn't that just like a girl fish) "J" made her first attempt at getting an IV started. Then the second, third, fourth, and fifth. That's when she said she was done (thank gawd) and was going to call in the big guns and have "D" put in an AC IV. Trust me, after five attempts, I was more than ready. Bajeezus! Once "D" arrived she had an AC IV hooked up within 60 seconds (gotta love the hands of experience). An AC IV is just an IV that goes in the crook of your arm where they normally draw blood from. It isn't a preferred location as the patient needs to keep their arm straight during the treatment process (2 and 1/2 to 3 hours) to avoid cocktail leakage. And we don't want anymore cocktail leakage...been there, done the souvenir. But since I brought it up...yes, I still have the chemo cocktail in the area where the IP port from hell once resided. Frick!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 13, 2011 -Treatment #14

Today's chemo-sabe and transportation provided by Sharon

Today was the beginning of the end for my treatment. After labs (I am slightly anemic but not enough to withhold treatment) and seeing Dr. McC. I received the first treatment of my final round of chemo...this was also the final dual (mega) treatment of both Taxol and Carboplatin. I wish you could hear the sigh that just released from my body. I think the tee-shirts that I often see that say "Cancer Survivor" should read "Chemo Survivor" Bajeezus!

Humor me here while I list a few side effects...this is why I believe it should be chemo survivor:

Hair loss, tender scalp...ouch.
Complexion change...and not for the better, acne really?
Blurred vision...what the hell was that?
Swollen face and head...oh, so attractive.
Multiple daily bloody nose...such a bother.
Teeth...incredibly sensitive.
Blisters on forearms...amateur compared to my legs.
Stomach discomfort...I think something is eating me from the inside out.
Output Issues...TMI I know, and that's all I'll say (laughing).
IP Port Issues...the port is long gone, but the chemo fluid that leaked remains. Frick!
Blister's on my body HATES chemo...I look like I have jungle rot.
Neuropathy in my toes and little fingers...irritating as hell.
Food and Beverage Consumption...most weeks I have two days with a good appetite and when food tastes like it should. The other five days my taster is off and nothing tastes right...water, which is my beverage of choice taste like tin., nada, zilch...I need a Buzz Lightyear battery pack. Upstairs to main floor to basement to shower to main floor to couch. Holy crap, did someone get the license number of the truck that hit me?

With all of the side effects and mishaps of treatment I still feel very positive about it. I haven't been nauseous from treatment (thank you, thank you, thank you), and, I have stayed strong and pushed forward refusing to give treatment an inch. 14 treatments down, 2 to go. Shut the front door!

Onward to today's treatment...two IV attempts and we were locked and loaded (thank you nurse "D"). A yummy Reiki treatment with "J" (one of the perks of treatment) and before I knew it treatment was done and Sharon and I were at Sushi Ville enjoying a late lunch (no crowd, back booth). Because I receive IV steroids on Thursday's I usually have the appetite of a trucker on Thursday's and Friday's and water, glorious water...tastes like water. Drink up Girl Fish.

Technical Diffculties

Hello Everyone!

There have been a number of you who have contacted me and commented that you aren't able to become a follower on my blog or, it won't allow you to make a comment. I have no idea what the deal is with that but I feel certain it has something to do with the black hole that was once my IP port...laughing. If you have been a regular follower you know why I made that comment. For those of you who would like to contact me and are having difficulty commenting directly on my blog, please feel free to email me at or contact me though Facebook.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Big Girls They Do Get Weary...

This last week was ugly. Not my worst, but a close second. Now that I receive chemo weekly there is no rest for the weary...and this big girl, she's been weary (my mind is a funny thing...when I wrote the word weary I immediately had a vision of Ducky from the movie Pretty in Pink where he sings and dances to Otis Redding's "Try a Little Tenderness"). And, even though I sometimes feel weary, my body and I are kicking cancer's weary ass each and every day. Big girl "1", cancer "0".

Back to Ducky and his imitation of Otis can something so goofy make me smile so hard my face hurts?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Teletubbies Unite!

I have always had a big head...not as in inflated, but as in large. Who knew it could get even bigger. I started noticing the transformation a few weeks back. One morning when I looked into the mirror I no longer saw myself looking back...but rather saw what appeared to be the metamorphosis of a Teletubbie. Or perhaps my head is morphing into a large pumpkin...just in time for Halloween...grin. Ooohhhhh....I just had a mental visualization of the creepy guy on the horse with no head and a large pumpkin in his hand. Shiver...I choose the Teletubbie.

FYI...the swelling is the result of the steroids. Gotta love em, gotta hate em.

October 6, 2011 - Treatment #13

Today's chemo-sabe and transportation provided by Sharon.

Today's treatment nurse was "C." I met "C" a few weeks back. One of my other chemo nurses brought "C" into my room and asked if I would show her my legs (blisters from the Taxol...bajeezus) and to let her see and touch the area where the chemo fluid leaked (double bajeezus) from my IP. I felt like I was the object of show and tell...ooooh, look what Cindy has. The chemo-cocktail is still lodged in my chub cells surrounding where my IP was. Some day's the discomfort is not so bad, some day's the discomfort hurts like a mo-fo. Someday soon...we need to figure out how to get it the hell out of there.

As far as treatment goes, today was as it should be. I was in and out in three hours. Labs, vitals, treatment...she's done...bye-bye.

Monday, October 3, 2011

September 29, 2011 - Treatment #12

Today's chemo-sabe and transportation provided by Jim

Nothing to exciting today other than being escorted to treatment by my long time friend and ex-fiancé Jim. OK, about the ex-fiancé part. After a 29 year engagement I had to end it, I just don't think he was serious...a girl can only wait so long. Our story involves decades of friendship, love, laughter, and a mother-load (50 carat?...seriously. Like I always said...big girl, big ring) solitaire, princess cut, amethyst stone given to me by Jim on my 50th. Someday I'll share the entire story.

Back to today's treatment. Labs...done in a flash. Vitals...lost in the shuffle yet again. I'm serious, how in the hell does this happen? That's twice now. Everyone going for treatment has labs, then  vitals, then onward and upward to the Infusion Suite...standard procedure. Clearly I need to be more vocal in communicating to them what I am there for since they don't always seem to know. Imagine being vocal...laughing.

My white blood cell count is low and I am running a slight fever but Dr. McC. gives a thumbs up to treatment. Ms "B" is my nurse for today. I love it that she talks to my body about being cooperative and giving her a nice vein to work with. Between the two of hydration efforts, a hot wet pack wrapped in a heating pad, followed by some gentle massage and a pop or two on my arm (kinky)...we got a hit on the first attempt. Two and a half hours later Jim and I were outta that's what I'm talking about.