Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Monday - August 19, 2013 - The Count Matters

So...I survived my first treatment cycle. Definitely rough around the edges, some serious nausea during the first week and all the usual crap (hair loss, sweating, being light headed, etc.) following close behind, but I made it. Then a week off, one entire, glorious, week without treatment. Day one I still felt like crap, day two was a little better, so forth and so on. Yesterday I had my first follow up with Dr. McC. and was prepared to start cycle number two today so I was a bit surprised when she said no treatment for me this week as my white blood cell count is too low. Hmmmm....hence the full hair loss, sweating, being light headed, etc. so soon out of the chute. Man...that was quick! Dr. McC. is thinking that perhaps I will need to be on a cycle of three weeks on, two weeks off. Works for me as I am feeling pretty good today. You never really recognize and appreciate how good you feel each day until you feel borderline poopy each day. I have a follow up appointment on Monday the 26th to check my counts. If things are up, we are good to go. If not, we go to plan "b" which I assume will be either drugs to increase my white blood cells or a blood infusion (icky...me no like). For now bring on the oranges, leafy green vegetables, almonds, crab, carrots, chicken, etc. All the natural things that help increase/maintain your white blood cell count.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013 - Three Weeks into Treatment

Well...it hasn't been horrible, and it hasn't been...without its challenges. The nausea started immediately but was quickly (OK...so four and a half days isn't quickly...especially when you are on the inside) resolved. All of the usual suspects are present...low grade headache, thrush, upset stomach, output issues (TMI?), fatigue and of course...hair loss. Yep, already...and lots. I sent my friend/hairdresser a text this afternoon asking her when she could come. She knew what I meant...she'll be here tonight at 6:00pm to give me a number five comb. Guess I can scratch hair paste and hair spray off my shopping list.

Reinforcements are already in place...my sister comes on Mondays and Wednesdays, and my niece on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. We switched beehive day (Mom's standing hair appointment on Fridays) to Wednesdays so that she could be confident that her hair would be getting done each week....just as it has for the past 50+ years. My Dad once said...Honey, just once before I go, I'd like to see you wear your hair natural...not back combed and sprayed. Mom gave Dad everything he could ever want in their 41 years together...except that...grin.

Did I mention that I take my last dose of Etoposide tomorrow (Monday)...then I get a week off and hopefully some relief. One cycle down, five to go.