Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 3, 2011 - Post Treatment Physical

I saw a commercial about a week ago from the American Cancer Society that said: 11 million cancer survivors, we can't stop there. Make that 11,000,001...huge grin. Today I had my post treatment physical and received a clean bill of health...happy, happy girl. The cancer that I had, not my cancer, because I never claimed it as mine, is gone. And will stay gone because it is not welcome here. I have felt from the very beginning that when I had my surgery in July that the cancer was cut from my body and that I was cancer free. I look at the treatment I received as a precautionary engine flush.

What now? I will have blood work done that tests my protein markers (a cancer indicator) every 3 months for 2 years, every 4 months for 2 years, and finally every 6 months for 1 year. If at the end of 5 years I haven't had a reoccurrence (which I have no intention of having) I am considered cured.

My doctor tells me that it will take approximately nine to 12 weeks to get back to feeling like myself again. I so look forward to start ridding myself of the side effects of chemo therapy.

Port hole from hell's still there, and it still hurts. This is a discussion that I have with Dr. McC. during every visit. For now, and for as long as I can tolerate it, we are going to table my port issue until my first follow up appointment in February at which time we will move forward to resolve the issue once and for all. What that means...I'm not exactly sure. I just know that there needs to be an end to the continuous pain and discomfort. I question as to if I can make it til then. May the force be with me.

Monday, November 7, 2011

October 28, 2011 - The Transfusion

Friday - October 28, 2011
Today's transfusion buddy and transportation provided by Mike (Bro).

Here it is three days before Halloween (my second favorite holiday) and I am at the hospital getting a blood transfusion. After receiving two pints of blood I feel the same as when I arrived...tuckered. Nurse "L" told me that even after receiving two pints of blood I would still be anemic because my count was 21 when I arrived and the transfusion would take me to 26 or 27 which is still anemic. Well shitski...I was hoping to be Wonder Woman by tomorrow...or at least by Halloween on Monday. She also told me it could take up to 24 hours to feel a difference and that I should call my doctor if my symptoms (shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitations, exhaustion, etc) don't improve.

Monday - October 31, 2011

I have color in my face but nothing much has changed other than that so I put a call into my doctor. I'll spare you the details but why does everything have to be such a challenge? Be your own advocate people...and if you aren't able...have someone else do it for you. By the end of the day (and a follow up phone call by moi) a second transfusion had been ordered and I am on stand by to hear back the date and time of the transfusion.

Tuesday - November 1, 2011

First thing this morning I phoned the hospital (stand by doesn't really work for me...Cindy likes to drive the bus) to confirm my doctors orders and schedule the actual transfusion. I feel like crap people...let's get me some relief! My transfusion is scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9:30am. I was told prior to coming in on Wednesday for the transfusion I would need to have a type and match test. Mind you...I just had a type and match test on is Tuesday...hello? Apparently someone might have sucked out all of my blood since Thursday and refiled me with 10/40 weight and I would no longer be a match. I'm certain there must be a good reason why I had to repeat the type and match...I just can't think of one.

Wednesday - November 2, 2011
Today's transfusion buddy and transportation provided by Bob (Friend and Boss).

Received my second transfusion today...I did't feel much of a difference by the time I left the hospital but, I did feel a difference later in the day. that's what having some energy feels have been missing in action for so long now I had forgotten.

I have my post-treatment physical with Dr. McC. tomorrow...details to follow.